Egg Subscription

Egg Subscription


This is a 12 week subscription for 1 dozen fresh, pasture raised Chicken Eggs, delivered to you from Brown Dog Farm. When you add to cart there will be a form to fill out with your particulars. Purchasing it puts you on our delivery list. We will keep track and notify you when your subscription is up and give you the opportunity to renew so long as the the girls are producing. Our hens are a mix of Hyline Brown, Buff Cochin, Buff Laced Polish and Salmon Favorelle laying hens. They are fed an organic ration, and all the fresh bugs, slugs and green grass they can gather. They wander our farm yard and a group follow the livestock in the pastures to eat up fly larva and fertilize our fields in our rotational system. These eggs are high in Vitamins A and E, omega fatty acids and beta carotene, plus they taste great.

Thank You for giving us the opportunity to share their bounty with you.

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You can always add duck eggs or other produce to your order just purchase them separate and we will add it to your delivery!


Free range Duck Eggs


Free Range Chicken Eggs
