Gealach Shetland Roving

Gealach Shetland Roving


4 oz balls of Black Shetland Roving

Gealach was the first lamb born on our farm in 2021. Her parents are Hamish and Enya. She is completely black. Not a white hair on her. She is also the friendliest ewe, and is the first to find me for head scratches. Her fleece is beginning to get some shaela, steely grey, coloration in it. This is her 2022 fleece. I have saved back her ewe lambs, Venus, her doppleganger, and Pluto her twin. She carries this completely natural deep solid black trait. Its super nice for traditional Fair Isle patterns.

We shear after lambing and before the weather gets too warm. The fleeces are skirted then sent to Illinois Wool and Fiber Mill for a gentle scouring and then carding into this fluffy roving. It is ready for spinning, felting or other crafting projects. This wool takes dyes wonderfully. You will notice bits of hay occasionally in our roving. Our sheep live outside, and we do not put coats on them. We process minimally to keep the most natural feel to the wool. It comes out easily when spinning, we hope it will remind you of the beautiful pastures and forages they enjoy.

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